Coping Skills Scale

Now Tv Keygen Generator Nek Sei Alessio Am O Gagica Moderna. on this page. Tools: Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993) Back to Tools: Adolescent Coping Scale Frydenberg & Lewis (1993) Last updated: 24 Jul 2004 Tool or Instrument Description (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993) Contacts 1. Raymon Lewis 5. The 79-item, 18 factor Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) is designed to measure the frequency of usage of a variety of coping strategies typically used by adolescents. The items were generated through qualitative questioning and quantitative piloting of an initial pool of items with Australian adolescents. The ACS has potential for application to research in outdoor education and related fields, but I found in Neill (; ) that there was little overall change in the frequency of usage of different coping strategies by adolescents between three points of measurement - before, after and three months following nine day Outward Bound Australia (OBA) programs.