Avrdude Usb Serial Port
Sep 17, 2013. Number usbvid =; # USB VID (Vendor ID) usbpid =; # USB PID (Product ID) usbdev =; # USB interface or other device info usbvendor =; # USB Vendor Name usbproduct =; # USB Product Name usbsn =; # USB Serial Number;. (which will make it signing off from the USB as well), so AVRDUDE has to be. Note that this uses the FT232 device as a normal serial port.
Your error results from the mistaken -P usb in your command: avrdude -p atmega32 -P usb -c stk500v2 -U flash:w:main.hex Do not specity 'usb' as a port when using a USB-serial connected programmer or bootloader, because downstream of the operating system driver, these are not treated as USB devices but rather as serial ports. When you use such a device, determine the com port or device node it is connected to (perhaps by seeing which one appears/disappears when you connect and disconnect it), find out the baud rate required by your programmer, and issue a command such as COM1 or whatever on Windows avrdude -p atmega32 -P COM1 -b115200 -c stk500v2 -U flash:w:main.hex Linux or OSX avrdude -p atmega32 -P /dev/whatever -b115200 -c stk500v2 -U flash:w:main.hex The device file on Linux would be something like /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0, while on OSX it tends to be /dev/tty.usbmodem or similar. The alternate solution you propose in comments, of using -P avrdoper leverages the fact that your specific programmer offers an alternate interface which is not a USB-serial device in the eyes of the host operating system, but instead a custom USB protocol which at least some versions of avrdude know how to talk.
Troubleshooting [] [ >] [] [] [ >>] [] [] [Index] [] B. Troubleshooting In general, please report any bugs encountered via. Amrutham Serial Swathi Naidu more. • Problem: I’m using a serial programmer under Windows and get the following error: avrdude: serial_open(): can't set attributes for device 'com1', Solution: This problem seems to appear with certain versions of Cygwin.
Specifying '/dev/com1' instead of 'com1' should help. • Problem: I’m using Linux and my AVR910 programmer is really slow. Solution (short): setserial port low_latency Solution (long): There are two problems here.
First, the system may wait some time before it passes data from the serial port to the program. Under Linux the following command works around this (you may need root privileges for this). Setserial port low_latency Secondly, the serial interface chip may delay the interrupt for some time. This behaviour can be changed by setting the FIFO-threshold to one. Under Linux this can only be done by changing the kernel source in drivers/char/serial.c. Search the file for UART_FCR_TRIGGER_8 and replace it with UART_FCR_TRIGGER_1.