Print and Download Chinese Dance from The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky. Download Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Portable Zip. Free Easy Piano Sheet Music Arranged by Staff. Instrumental Solo.

[edited] 9 May 14 jpm: Happy Mid-2014! Since 2013, I have re-uploaded the files to Mediafire. Hopefully the ban won't happen again. And I have (painstakingly) updated the links on the blog posts! All 109 of them. Points to note: 1. If the page shows an error, please refresh and try again.

Easy Piano Mandarin Songs PdfEasy Piano Mandarin Songs Pdf

It should work by the second try. If the error is persistent, please inform me via the c-box on the left. The older files are password protected (before mediafire removed the feature for the newer files) You have to chant my nickname (and type it in) 3 times: jpmjpmjpm 3.

Please do not re-uploaded the files onto any other websites. Sharing the link is fine. Sorry for the lack of consistent updates. I am currently a university student with school, family and friends commitments. As such, I can only update mostly during the holidays.

In addition, I will only do requests for songs that I can find free and available sheet music to transcribe for. Anyway, you can try to Google for numbered scores already available on the internet by googling 'song name and/or artist/band's name jianpu/简谱“. Clicking on the image search sometimes helps too! Alternatively, you can try searching for the sheets music and transcribing them into numbers yourself! Its not very hard actually, you just need to figure out the key signature and then transcribe note by note, adding the sharps accordingly. If you wanna thank me for the scores, you can do so by commenting on the posts or on the c-box! Do also support me by clicking on the ads when they appear.

Comments about the scores (or errors you spotted) are welcome to! お休みなさい (Good night!). Name Of Song Artist[s] Remarks/Credit S.H.E 周杰伦 Jay Chou 周杰伦 Jay Chou 林俊杰 JJ Lin 梁詠琪Gigi Leung 欧得洋Ocean Ou 陈汉玮; 蔡礼莲 田馥甄 Hebe Tien 周杰伦 Jay Chou 林俊杰 JJ Lin 周杰伦 Jay Chou 王啟文 欧得洋 Ocean Ou 胡夏 王力宏 Wang LeeHom 柯震东 & 陈妍希 陈奕迅 周杰伦 Jay Chou 庾澄庆 Harlem Yu S.H.E 林育群 Exo Olivia Ong 倪安东 JJ Lin 林俊杰 光良Michael Wong 周杰伦 Jay Chou 丁当 陈伟联 Kelvin Chen 周杰伦 Jay Chou 陈伟联 王心凌 Cyndi Wang S.H.E 孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun 光良 邓丽君 Teresa Teng For many many many more numbered sheet musics of chinese songs (or even famous English songs and Disney songs), please visit! Some of the scores link to numbered scores not done by me, but by the relevant sites.

Thus, any broken links, please use the comment link below.