Code Effects my name is methos All resources and reveal map atm Add 1000 Gold boston food sucks Add 1000 Food you said wood Add 1000 Wood rock&roll Add 1000 Rock creatine Add 1000 Iron somebody set up us the bomb Win Game ahhhcool Lose Game display cheat Display all cheatcodes the big dig Lose Resources headshot Remove objects from map asus drivers Reveal Map boston rent Lose all Gold uh, smoke? Lose all Wood slimfast Lose all Food i have the power Restore energy to selected Prophet / Hero / Mana User. A Message About Trainers We, at Heavengames, take a firm stand against trainers, as they will, especially in a multi-player or tournament environment, do more harm than good. For single play, they lead to people to be bad players as they come to depend on the cheats. So, if you want to mess up your gaming skills, by all means go ahead, but don't expect help from us. We will not host trainers on our site and we will actually ban people that admit to use of trainers to cheat in multiplayer games. More information about what trainers are can be found below, in a press release from SSSI: Stainless Steel Studios has verified that a new Empire Earth Trainer (developed in Russia) can be used to enable a player to cheat during a multiplayer game.

Dosbox0 72 Win32 Installer Exe. Empire Earth 2 +5 trainer for PC and supports GOG.

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Those who use it can successfully cheat. What is a “Trainer”? A Trainer is a small program which enables players to cheat during multiplayer games. These programs are usually run in the background, while the game is being played. These programs typically alter actual game code with the goal of allowing their users to win games by cheating.

Gta Ultimate Trainer For Pc more. In kind of cheating or use of Trainers is a strict violation of the on-line code of conduct in the Empire Earth community. Any player caught cheating will have his/her Empire Earth CD-key permanently revoked. Here is how this Trainer works: • A Cheater runs the Trainer, then loads Empire Earth. • While the game is loading, the Trainer searches through the Empire Earth code as it is loaded into RAM • The Trainer locates the in-memory Empire Earth code which disables the Cheat codes.