'The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud conservatively estimates that insurance fraud costs $80 billion a year in stolen claims, not including the social costs,' says James Quiggle, spokesman for the nonprofit coalition of insurers and consumer groups. 'When you start adding in the lost productivity of businesses, the lost life savings of individuals and the cost to investigate and prosecute, the total figure is likely much higher.' From suspicious tainted-food claims to phony slip-and-falls, faked deaths to real murder, here are eight of the most desperate and devious insurance frauds from the coalition's Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame. Behold the havoc wrought by insurance fraud on lives, property -- and ultimately your premiums. ADVERTISEMENT Burning Down the House -- For Profit High living had left Chicago grain futures executive Marc Thompson deeply in debt. In desperation, he torched his home for the $730,000 in insurance money. To make it appear a suicide, he led his 90-year-old mother Carmen downstairs, doused the basement with accelerant and tossed the match.

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Now Thompson's own future is secure -- for 190 years in federal prison. Who would burn down their own home, not to mention their own mother, for the money? People caught unprepared for the worst recession in 80 years, that's who. Lsi 1030 Scsi Driver. 'People in small but increasing numbers were burning down their homes,' says Quiggle.

'Often the houses went up in smoke and flames just before the homes were to be foreclosed. People were on their mortgages, they felt cornered financially, and in acts of desperation, they burned down their own homes.' Lost property claims also surged as the economy tanked. 'People would report their stereo stolen; maybe it was worth $3,000 but they claimed it was worth $8,000. Diamond wedding and engagement rings started seriously getting lost.

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That kind of crime that could net you a few thousand dollars became more prevalent than ever,' Quiggle says. Fake Slip-and-Falls Gain Traction Think the old fake slip-and-fall routine only works once? Isabel Parker, the 72-year-old queen of the slip-and-fall scam, prostrated herself in department stores, supermarkets and liquor stores 49 times for claims totaling $500,000 during her long career, a sad byproduct of her gambling addiction. Quiggle says gangs have taken a page from the growing staged auto accident playbook to target merchants big and small for staged slip-and-falls. 'They will claim soft-tissue injuries against one business after another, like a skeet shoot,' he says. Philosophy Hindi Pdf on this page.

'They'll go from one business to the next, assuming that each insurer will simply pay the claim to get it out of their hair as a nuisance.' The gangs figure that since every business has its own insurance, the chances of getting caught are remote. But thanks to the Insurance Services Office, or ISO, which runs an all-industry database of insurance claims, it's easier for insurers who subscribe to ISO to catch gangs in the act. 'When you can connect the dots electronically to where you suddenly see one person who has made 15 slip-and-falls in the past year, alarm bells start to go off,' Quiggle says. Software Per Clonare Sim Wind. Vehicle Give-ups: Total Loss, Total Fraud When Houston high school chemistry teacher Tramesha Lashon Fox grew tired of making the payments on her Chevy Malibu, she offered two failing students passing grades to torch her car for the insurance money.