I've ridden California Screamin many times, including twice today (Jan 30). The second time I rode it, it seemed scarily fast, it managed to clear the top of the big hill without slowing down at all. It seemed as it if it didn't brake or slow down until the very end when it braked hard. The music cut out right after the first hill.

Custom Scenery Depot - Theme Park Games - Downloads. [Archive] California Screamin' Mickey Mouse Loop Custom Scenery. Hey i've been on ataricommunity for a while and i released this set a couple of days back when i made my CS in the Tracks thread, for those who dont pay attention to. How do you get ther custom scenery from google sketch-up to rct3?

Is it normal for it to occasionally go that fast? Or was it just a random thing? I'm of no help to your question, but it sounds like you came into the station on a wing and a prayer. Re: California Screamin speed It really depends where you sit.

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It FEELS faster in the from cars of the train because you go over the first hill no problem so that the cars in tow can clear it. If your in the back, it feels slower because your being pulled over and you don't get that 'just lifted right out of my seat' feeling. I highly doubt that there was a malfunction because that most likely would have caused a train to invade another train's block therefore putting the entire ride into an E-stop. So, the question is, where were you sitting both times? It really depends where you sit. Dowload Bokeb In Gogle Drive 3gp. It FEELS faster in the from cars of the train because you go over the first hill no problem so that the cars in tow can clear it. If your in the back, it feels slower because your being pulled over and you don't get that 'just lifted right out of my seat' feeling.

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Make sense?I always thought the back cars of most coasters were the ones that gave you the most airtime. They give you that whiplash feeling. (see BTMR, the front goes extremely slow down the drops, whereas the back get's whipped over the top of the hill.) But yeah tiggerfalcon007, like Eric5675 said, it all depends on where you're seated during the ride. Depending on where you sat, you may of had a different 'experience' although the ride systems never changed.

Re: California Screamin speed I hear this all the time: 'x or y part of a coaster is faster. Simple Serial Pic Programmer. ' This is not true. ALL parts of a coaster travel at the exact same speed otherwise the cars would separate, fly off the tracks and people would die.

It is all perception, and there are several things involved in this. To some people the front feels faster: The front cars have an unobstructed forward view which means a much wider vista. The front cars also have a much lower plastic piece in front of you which allows you to see the track passing below you.

You also get the full effect of the wind in your face. All of these combined make the front feel faster at times.

However, when you are getting ready to go over a drop, the front cars must wait for the back cars of the train to disengage from the lift mechanism (chain, etc). Depending on the length of the train, the front cars can actually dangle down the hill a bit, leaving you literally hanging from your restraint, for a few moments. This is definitely not faster. To some the back feels faster: Despite not having the open view or full force of the wind in your face, the back has the more 'constant' feeling of velocity. You are never held back and left dangling so it feels as if you have a higher constant speed even though you are going the same speed as the front. It is all perception and both ends have their pros and cons.

There are also times when the ride control system alters the speed of the trains. There are several points along the track where there are brakes to slow the train down if it is going too fast, and what look like LIM (linear induction motors) segments to speed it up a little if too slow. I hear this all the time: 'x or y part of a coaster is faster.' This is not true. ALL parts of a coaster travel at the exact same speed otherwise the cars would separate, fly off the tracks and people would die.

It is all perception, and there are several things involved in this. To some people the front feels faster: The front cars have an unobstructed forward view which means a much wider vista. The front cars also have a much lower plastic piece in front of you which allows you to see the track passing below you. Game Megaman X4 Full. You also get the full effect of the wind in your face. All of these combined make the front feel faster at times. However, when you are getting ready to go over a drop, the front cars must wait for the back cars of the train to disengage from the lift mechanism (chain, etc). Depending on the length of the train, the front cars can actually dangle down the hill a bit, leaving you literally hanging from your restraint, for a few moments.