This is a four players map that looks like an X. Michele Zarrillo Discografias there. This is the temperate version of the map. Structures to capture are scattered all around. There are five cloning vats and five ore purifier capturable for each player. Oil Derricks are on islands near player's base. They are immune.

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You can build a naval power plant with the required structures. There is a nuke silo and a weather control device to capture. The airports give you good things in the game. SpySat ability, you can build Chrono Commando and/or Chrono Ivan, it gives 125000 points of power. Lots more - Check out the Readme file for full info on all the other goodies.

Dimensions: 96x96 Theater: Temperate File Size: 101.1 KB File Max Players: 4 Author: ChefPower 28331 downloads. This is an ELITE 8 player map that was created off of a map I found titled 'WAR'. In each of my test runs online using 2 humans fighting 6 computers the game lasted nearly 2 hours before completion. I call this an Elite map, because the computer AI 'clones' itself and the allied computers build 2 of everything at once - the soviets build 4 of everything at once. They will replace lost yards if you dont finish them quickly.

Even if you select superweapons the AI will NOT choke itself. (as it did in other previous versions) Dimensions: 150x150 Theater: Temperate File Size: 185.6 KB File Max Players: 8 Author: Bdizzle18 81374 downloads.

Turbulent Seas is a naval map designed for Naval battles. In this map it is suggested to stick to your sides strengths. For the Soviets use your Typhoon subs and Giant Squids for stealthy hit and run tactics. The large expansive space on this map will help you hide such small forces.

For Allied players large brute force groups will work well for large scale rushes. Resources are moderate on your islands as well as ore scaterred on other islands. You will start with six nearby derricks. There are other derricks near you on other islands.

Dimensions: 105x105 Theater: Temperate File Size: 120.3 KB File Max Players: 2 Author: Rhino 23180 downloads. Trench Warfare is a moderately sized map made for infantry and sometimes tank battles. It is a good map for playing against the AI or human adversaries. The map is a concept map which is simply millions of trenches made by cliffs in which you must find your way through to the opposition base. Resources are plentiful as well as six derricks in either players base. There are two ore pits on opposite sides of your base as well as a neutral ore pit in the middle. The ore pits near your base are only available to you as the entrance to them are inside your base.

Your base only has one entry and is situated in a pit surrounded by cliffs. The entry is a ramp on to your cliffs.

This entry is easily defended by troops and defensive structures. However if your defense is compromised, the attacking party will find it easy to surround your base on the cliffs and will easily systematically destroy your base.

The trenches are useful to store an army in an unused passage as you will need to find space to store it. These trenches can also be used to fight battles on multiple fronts for an extra challenge. Dimensions: 100x100 Theater: Temperate File Size: 92.4 KB File Max Players: 2 Author: Rhino 25543 downloads.