The illuminant employed in this part of ISO 2470 excites almost twice as much fluorescence as the illuminant in ISO 2470-1. Consequently, this part of ISO 2470 is better suited for measuring the fluorescent contribution to the brightness. However, D65 brightness should not be confused with ISO brightness which closely approximates the brightness of papers viewed under indoor conditions. Principle A test piece is illuminated diffusely in a standard instrument and the light reflected normal to the surface is either allowed to pass through a defined optical filter and then measured by a photodetector or measured by an array of photosensitive diodes, where each diode responds to a different effective wavelength. The brightness is then determined directly from the output from the photodetector or by calculation from the photosensitive diode outputs using the appropriate weighting function. Please note: IPS cannot sell or otherwise provide standards, specifications, or test procedures to third parties.

Tappi Brightness Versus Iso

A paper with a relatively high. Selecting a paper with high opacity is. Gmail Account Creator 1 4 SETUP.exe on this page. Aahat All Apisoed 1996 It is important for bag paper. The standards. Procedure is described in TAPPI.

Jan 1, 2018 - Colour and appearance perceptions are very complex psychological phenomena. Written by one of the foremost authorities in the field, Principles of Colour and Appearance Measurement is a major two-volume work addressing the key topics required to understand the issues and manage colour effectively. CIE whiteness and tint of paper and paperboard (using d. 8.1 From each test unit of the paper obtained in accordance with TAPPI T. “What is ISO - Brightness? ISO 2470-2:2008 specifies a method for measuring the D65 brightness of pulps, papers and boards. ISO 2470-2:2008 is limited in its scope to white and near-white pulps.

This method is for the determination of the brightness of white, near-white, and naturally colored pulp, paper, and paperboard. Brightness is a commonly used industry term for the numerical value of the reflectance factor of a sample with respect to blue light of specific spectral and geometric characteristics. This method requires an instrument employing 45째 illumination and 0째 viewing geometry with the illuminating and viewing beams adjusted so that translucent materials are evaluated on an arbitrary but specific scale. The cone of light (see A.3.2 and A.3.5) used by this method is wider than that specified for the CIE Standard 45/0 geometry. Brightness and whiteness are not the same measurement.

Brightness and whiteness are not interchangeable, and there is no known mathematical relationship between the two values. This procedure is applicable to all naturally-colored pulps, and papers and board made therefrom and is suitable for optically brightened pulp and paper. The measurement is not suitable for paper or paperboard containing added coloring matter (such as yellow or green dyestuff) which appreciably absorbs light in that part of the spectrum extending from about 400 to 500 nm. This brightness method is not applicable to colored papers which must be measured either spectrophotometrically or colorimetrically in order to obtain meaningful results (1). Psd Menu Templates Encore Dance. This method gives: 1.4.1 A procedure for using the test instrument to measure the directional reflectance factor at 457 nm of a sample of paper or paperboard (2-5).