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Undefined terms in geometry • 1. UNDEFINEDTERMSINGEOMETRY • POINTING FINGERS • When you are accusingfinger to somebody, therest are pointing at toyouPOINT TO PONDER • SYRINGE • EDGE OF A RULER • MONEY • BOX • AN ‘UNDEFINED TERM’ IS A TERMOR WORD THAT DOESN’TREQUIRE FURTHER EXPLANATIONOR DESCRIPTION • Sometimes it is goodto define terms by itsexample or throughobjects or models. • -A point has nodimensions( thickness,length, width,heightand weight).representedby a DOT.POINT • HOW TO NAME POINT/SPoint APoint BPoint C • EXAMPLES OF POINT • LINEHas infinite lengthbut no width andthickness • HOW TO NAME LINE?Two capitalletters withdouble arrowheadedabove. Del Amitri Waking Hours Rar Download. • EXAMPLES OF LINES • PLANESlanted four sided figureFlat surfaceWith length and widthbut no thickness. • HOW TO NAME PLANE?Name by acapital scriptletter or 3 non-collinear points.Plane ABC or plane MABC • WHERE CAN WE SEE PLANE? • SPACE / SOLIDIS A BOUNDLESS, THREEDIMENSIONAL SET OF ALL POINTS. ITCAN CONTAIN POINTS, LINES, ANDPLANES.


Undefined Terms In Geometry Worksheet Pdf

Original content Copyright © by Holt McDougal. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. Holt McDougal Geometry. Section 1.1 – Introduction Worksheet 1. Understanding Points, Lines, and Planes (undefined terms in geometry). A point has no size. It is named using a capital letter.