By on June 28th, 2007 Some of you have emailed asking which ports you need to forward on your router for Windows Home Server. So here we go: The first port to forward to your WHS is the “standard web traffic” (HTTP) port 80, although this is optional. If you don’t forward it, you can access your WHS machine using instead of Next is the “secure http web traffic” (HTTPS) port 443. Then Remote Web Workplace (RWW) which uses port 4125.

Whs File Conflicts Resolver Definition

WHS showed file conflicts in each of my shared folders. I will have to add this check to the conflict resolver sproc. DB:3. Mapinfo Professional 8.0. 10:Whs File-Conflicts, Disk Failure Server Hangs/Reboots fc.

This enables you to access the web interface feature. Web Interface Feature Finally the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port 3389. Esys Software Psdzdata Download.

This allows you to use “Remote Desktop Connection” to connect to your Windows Home Server desktop. Windows Home Server Desktop All ports are TCP only – UDP is NOT necessary. Share this WHS Article with Others.

Without port 3389 being forwarded you will still be able connect via the “Remote Desktop Connection” using: The servers name, in my case “SERVER” or your Internal IP address e.g. 192.168.1.XXX So when connecting from within the local network all is fine. But you will not be able to connect via the “Remote Desktop Connection” if you are outside the local network e.g. At a friend’s house or work when using either: WAN IP address e.g. 82.34.XXX.XXX (name).livenode. Terjemahan Tafsir Qurtubi Pdf on this page. com or (name) etc. I prefer to be able to access my WHS if needed from wherever I am, so that’s why I forward port 3389 as well as the required others.