Trumpet Winsock Windows 3.1Trumpet Winsock Windows 3.1 Download

Rereading the question it looks like you are trying to determine the current IP address. Protocol.ini is where you define a static address if not using dhcp/bootp. Most NIC's came with diagnostic software which will pull the MAC and often the current ip address. There also will be a sticker on the NIC with the MAC - sometimes on back near where the network cable attaches - if not it's on the card internally.

Depending on the network client used, it probably has a command line diagnostic utility as well but I that is dependent on the client. Ipconfig winipcfg and all that doesn't work on Windows 3.1 as it came with no network support at all and relies on the DOS network client you are using. Dietetics By Srilakshmi Pdf here.

Hello, I didn't come to this website for some time, I've been busy with my studies for a long time, thankfully I have now graduated, so I have been busy working hard:D Just a quick question. I've been given a Dell 486, it's in lovely condition and came with all of it's it's original manuals and disks for DOS 5 and Windows 3.1 as well as the Microsoft Office Suite. What I would like to know is, with a suitable ISA networking card would it be possible to connect the machine to my home network to enable it to access the Internet? I would prefer to keep Windows 3.1, as it's the original OS for this computer. I am very tempted to load up 3.0 instead of 3.1 purely becuase of that! I haven't decided what to do yet.

The machine is so original, I am not sure I want to change anything. But I guess it's only software. It can be put back.

Windows 3.1 and the Internet. Most ISPs can give you a copy of the Trumpet Winsock shareware program or the Shiva TCP/IP package that comes with Netscape.

I agree, you need Windows 3.0, even the interface is cool compared to 3.1, it looks a lot little like windows 1.1, but not really. You can get a copy of windows 3.1 running anytime, it is standard, but windows 3.0 is very rare to see in operation because of stability issues, but someone who knows what they are doing can handle that.

Another cool feature, windows 3.0 is the closest thing to a mac os rip off I have ever Now I got myself wanting to load win 3.0 on my DGI laptop. Carlsson wrote: >Don't you need 3rd party software like Trumpet >Winsock to network 3.1? I have never dealt with it >myself, but I kind of remember when we run a modem >pool at the Student Union and made install guides for >various OS, and 3.1 needed this extra software to get >a TCP/IP connection via PPP. Hm, maybe I'm mixing and >matching buzzwords now? Yes, I setup an internet connection a number of years back in Win3.1 & that was the problem. You needed Trumpet Winsock to get the TCP/IP connection. It's okay, but the silly thing is cripple ware (you can only use it for a short period of time).

I found DOS was the better alternative - though the best DOS internet stuff -needs- developing. OS/2 Warp v3 has a dialer & a freeware PPP was available to anyone who could find it & if your lucky you maybe able to find a copy of Netscape 2.02 which was the best thing for it.